Tripods   Tripod with Stainless Steel Grate 180cm

Tripod with Stainless Steel Grate 180cm

172,00 230,00 

A tripod with stainless steel grate 180cm is a perfect product for meetings with friends in the garden. As a source of heat for this grill you can use a campfire or traditional charcoal briquettes. The tripod is powder-coated, which increases its weather resistance. The massive grate (grill grate) is made of thick materials and it can hold a large quantity of food.





Free delivery by courier directly from the manufacturer within 5-10 working days.

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A tripod with stainless steel grate 180cm is a perfect product for meetings with friends in the garden. As a source of heat for this grill you can use a campfire or traditional charcoal briquettes. The tripod is powder-coated, which increases its weather resistance. The massive grate (grill grate) is made of thick materials and it can hold a large quantity of food. The stable tripod enables its users to place the grill on any surface no matter if it’s even or not. An additional advantage of the tripod with stainless steel grate 180cm is the fact that it can be quickly assembled and disassembled as well as easily transported and stored since the legs of the tripod can be folded in the middle. Impressive ornaments including wrought elements make this tripod grill a feast for the eyes. Due to the easy regulation of the grate it’s easy to change the height on which it is placed.


Size of the product:

  • Tripod grill height: 180cm
  • Gridiron bars thickness: 5mm
  • Gridiron diameter: 50cm / 60cm / 70cm / 80cm
  • Weight: 11kg / 11,5kg / 12kg / 12,5kg

Material: stainless steel

Free delivery by courier directly from the manufacturer within 5-10 working days.

SIA "JARDI", Reģ.Nr. 52103105721, ir noslēgts līgums ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru (LIAA) Nr. SKV-L-2023/17 par atbalsta saņemšanu komersantiem saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana”
SIA "JARDI", Reg. No. 52103105721, has concluded agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) no. SKV-L-2023/17 about receiving support for merchants under the European Regional Development Fund project "Promoting International Competitiveness"