Microgreens   Absorbent gel for growing microgreens

Absorbent gel for growing microgreens


Absorbent gel for growing microgreening at home. This is one of the options for growing microgreens with absorbent gel. It is a potassium-based substance with excellent absorbent and antiseptic properties and is certified for food contact. It is easy and convenient to use and provides ideal conditions, in particular the right level of humidity for microgreens to grow.

23 in stock

SKU: MCRGRN8414 Category:


Absorbent gel for growing microgreening at home. This is one of the options for growing microgreens with absorbent gel. It is a potassium-based substance with excellent absorbent and antiseptic properties and is certified for food contact. It is easy and convenient to use and provides ideal conditions, in particular the right level of humidity for microgreens to grow.

10pcs in package

Watch the growing instructions in the video below.



  • Height: 16,7 cm
  • Width: 10 cm
  • Depth: 2 cm
  • Weight: 0.02966 kg


Additional information

Dimensions 10 × 8 × 3 cm
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