Irrigation Systems   Water Reservoir

Water Reservoir


Don’t have a Water Butt – then you need the IRRIGATIA Water Reservoir. Simply connect the reservoir to a tap and insert the inlet tube & filter from the watering system SMART Solar controller (not included) into the Reservoir – it automatically refills from the tap – installs in a few minutes. Reservoir capacity 5l.

Use in a Pond or Stream. Simply lower the Reservoir into the water and connect the inlet tube to the Solar control unit – your plants will then be watered using the pond or stream supply. If used in this way it is recommended that you fill about half the bucket with washed sand and embed the filter in it. The Solar control unit can be positioned up to 20m away from the water source.



Don’t have a Water Butt – then you need the IRRIGATIA Water Reservoir. Simply connect the reservoir to a tap and insert the inlet tube & filter from the watering system SMART Solar controller (not included) into the Reservoir – it automatically refills from the tap – installs in a few minutes. Reservoir capacity 5l.

Use in a Pond or Stream. Simply lower the Reservoir into the water and connect the inlet tube to the Solar control unit – your plants will then be watered using the pond or stream supply. If used in this way it is recommended that you fill about half the bucket with washed sand and embed the filter in it. The Solar control unit can be positioned up to 20m away from the water source.

Kit Contains:

  • 1 x 5 Litre Container,
  • 1 x Float Valve,
  • 1 x Hose Connector,
  • 1 x Clip

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 25 × 21 cm
SIA "JARDI", Reģ.Nr. 52103105721, ir noslēgts līgums ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru (LIAA) Nr. SKV-L-2023/17 par atbalsta saņemšanu komersantiem saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana”
SIA "JARDI", Reg. No. 52103105721, has concluded agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) no. SKV-L-2023/17 about receiving support for merchants under the European Regional Development Fund project "Promoting International Competitiveness"